Tuesday, December 15, 2015


hai pppls, E.L,,,again

mmmm so i guess this blog is ded? idk bout u ((but im feeling 22~  sorry i had to XD)) but i guess no one is blogging daily lmao, it dropeed from 215 plus view to 35 w elp...
too many tests and quizes as usual, and im pretty happy?? i made it to the high honor roles whooooo!!111!! and idk how that is poosible considering that my grades were,,,meh. ive been studying hard and all, parents took away all electronics and restricted almost everything, heh changed the passwrd and all,,,and now im sad,,,and yep. interesting life huh?
so the 5 and 6 grade band and chorus preformed, and wow. they sounded better then the 7 and 8 and 6 ((idk why i put the numbers like that r ip...)) lmoa no offense. ok ok and these 2 boys were playing a duet for the concert. and i was just like thinking to myself: "argh u show offs lol" and yep. the 5 and 6 graders were really amazing, and i wish them luck on their concert this night! well gtg study, so byeee

peace out 0v0 ~ E.L

Thursday, December 10, 2015

hElLO FroM tHE OtHer SIdE~

hey,,,sigh,,,no one is blogging these days,,,and im not even the admin of the blog is that sad or what? ((no offense Kat))

so i have a lot of quizes and tests coming up and im on a hiatus ((idek wat that is but just go along with it ppls))

mmm i gotta write about life right? well i guess ill start with rec

so we apparently got "a new rule" where we have to line up in A SiNGlE fILe LIne!!11!! I MEAN CANT WE JUST WALK TO CLASS WITHOUT ASSISTANCE PPL??1? ok ok too dramatic
yeh,,but still! its really not necesary and all that stuff

so in ss, we r lwarning about no taxation without representation. so someone brought up, that 18 years and younger SHOULDNT PAY TAXES!!! and thats totally true! technically, we dont have a say in the government until we r 18 right? so yeh we shouldnt!! PROTE STING GUYS

mmmmm and we played this tag where when we get tagged we have to fake a dramatic death. sami and hephi had gone to the book fair for thr whole period of rec and kat and ellyn got mad at her i guess? well kat was cooler bout it then ellyn in my opinion. ((sorry ellyn)) and uh,,,tbh yep,,,it was unessecary i guess,,,it is sami's rec time and she did say "sure" but she was doing something else so,,,ok ok ill but out of this heh ((me and my awkward talking skillz bro lmao))

and now i have to study and no one else is bloogin so its only 1 girl today,,,hasta la vistaaaaaaaaaaaa

E.L 0v0

Thursday, December 03, 2015

mmmm hi

E.L here! wow i feel like ive been spamming this blog sorry bout that! ok, so im really thankful for my friends, and they can b the ones im mad at, but i am still really glad lmao,,,idk bout u but yeh

ok um i,,idk what to do...i know i should b studying really hard for my 2 tests tmrw but eh why not
ill just write about people and their art skillz on dc

kat- mmmm i like really adore your style??? its really awesome, and your ocs r just woahhh amazing and original. your rp style is also amazing, and so descriptive too! i really enjoy rp w u ^^ mmmmm your eye stylw is improving in everydrawing u draw tbh ((i think i used the word "amazing" too much sorry ^^;;))

sami- ur shading is improving A LoT!! i really like how you come up with the ideas for designs! mmm i also like how you try to comment on almost every drawing~ your love for books had lead to perfect rp tbh, and i really like rp w u and kat and ellyn and hephi and too many names to count lol. you really like to perfect your lines in lineart, and i really admire that! ^^

me- is it bad to say that i kinda like how i lineart? i dont want to b bragging bc that is just not rihgt. i like lineart, but somehow, i always find that ive ruined it by my coloring! mmm i try to improve rp style but i dont want it to b late comment to i just type words and yeh ^^;;. i need to improve coloring, and im pretty determined to make a new original style, and then make another acc. maybe in 2016 ((omg its almost that year ;-;)) and yep, i gtg stufy now so byeeeee

- E.L

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

*yawn* tfw everything is awkward,,,

E.L here,,,again,,,

so, i understand that percy jackson is very popular here hmmm? tbh i was pretty upsessd w it too when i first read it, but lol dont watch the movie. do. not. it ruins everything!!!11!! ANNABETH HAS BROWN HAIR WATTTT and it doesn't even show like3/4 of THE IMPORTANT PARTS UGHHHHHH and THE AUTHORR THAT MADE DA BOOK DIDIN'T EVEN WATCH THE MOVIE,,, ok ok rant rant rant bleh blehhhh

ok so im at rec doing this, kat broke her glasses, everyone stahped talkiing, and i was eatin my lunch, and idek wat is happeing? lol everyonme has their head in a book  these days w hoops save meeee ((sorry for the bad speling))

mmm wat else wat else,,,i have a quiz tmrw when i only leanred bout that topic yesterday! that no fair is it now? but life isnt fair so yep,,,

lemme think more of my very very "exciting" life yes yes

i wake up
i play cello
i eat breakfast
i go to school
i take classes
i sit at lunch doing nothing bc the food is meh
i go to recess doing nothing
more classes
yay school over
i go somewhere
i go home
i take even more classes for cello
i eat
i do my hw which takes forever
i yawn
i think about test
i study
i go to sleep


yay the joy of school huh

well im probably not really social around people i dont,,,really know i guess??? well if you know me well, u prob know that i can tenf to b shy a lot and yep i can b pretty crazy/weird cuz u know normal is boringggg

i fell in love w rp, but people these days are dead on dc ((whyyyyy)) i feel like ever since i got dc i got kinda better in the past3 months i guess,,,but still only on 288 i think)) followers,,,and kat and sami r screaming yay,,,((they r playing a game yaaaay)) and ever since i got dc, idek why but i kinda regret it??? lol its just so addicting i guess? and b4 i got it, i never knew how such young ppl R SO GOOD WITH DRAWINGGGG WATTT

and yep thats it! drawn 3 more per until this day ends,,, wish me luck!
