Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hellooooo everyponyyyyyy!!!1!!!11!!1!!!!

So, I guess some updates?

Life's pretty normal. I got good grades on my midterms.

Math: 94
Science: 98
Social Studies: 97
French: 96
ELA: 90
Averaged grades: 95

//cough// So all passing so I'm happy.

So my grandma recently moved up here to New York. It's an adjustment for her, but she's coping.

I really don't have anything else to say.

So BYE!!!!!



mama martinez mmm yyaaassssss


It's your favourite girl with slightly dyed and died hair who just got it cut over the weekend, KAT!!!

Anyways, in late news:

mELanIE mARTInEz is the bEST OMGGG!

Also, undertale is so A+ and awesome omg yes gogogogotomagoooogogooo

so um
How are yall?

EL and me and two other friends made this cool military-style RP group on Drawcast (account is @Camp Verita) and it's so awesomeeeee omggg~ yesyess i love it so muchh im so obsessed


yeah thats it. today is "family night" for our school district (me, EL, and Sami!) so we dont have anyy hw! Yaaas! I think I'll be watching Harry Potter or some nostalgic movies for tonight, but that's it,

How about you guys? :33

Oopsie, gtg! I should be typing a story now, teehee~


~Kat <3 <3 <3
For all of you who don't use CTRL-F: u have not met true happiness

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

holy shatatater tots

Omggg guysss it's been legit SO LONG! ;;o;;

So sorry :cc
I PROMISE I'll try my best to post once a week starting from TODAY! <3

(Believe me, I'm promising myself a lot of things this month, and so far I've been sticking to 'em pretty well~ :33)

Anyways, the midterms have passed-ed and I got above 90s for them all!
Math: 91
ELA: 92
Sci: 94? 95?
SS: 98!
French: 99!!!

so i dont have much to blog 'bout rn, but I'll try and blog later, since I have little homework!

~really lazy kat
Pink Chinese qipaos are SOOO pretty!!! <3

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Hello all! I would like to inform you: I am not dead.

I am merely a forgetful person and I may have forgotten this blog existed! The whole ten of you I bet are overjoyed! Sure, let's go with that.

So my life has been...not too interesting. To be honest, I don't remember when the last time I blogged was. So in the past few weeks it's been pretty normal. You know, go to school, go home, do homework, study for tests, take tests and quizzes, and all that schist. (Do any of you get that joke?) So, pretty uneventful until Friday.

I won't burden you with what happened, mostly because I don't want to say.

So Happy ^ New Year!


P.S. Don't be discouraged if I am not blogging regularly. You should get used to me not doing that.



But hello! It's me! Kat! Again! I just forgot to post, a lot,,, with all the stuff that school throws at me n stuff. I blogged, like, 40 months ago. So. Hellooooooo!

HAPPY NEW YEAR & v v late holidays~~~!

omg i have a test next period and im here typing at lunch instead of last-minute studying... oh, joy,,, fun times............

Omg Youtube Rewind was the best thing, wowieieeeeioeieieiieieeieioieie woowowowo it had a lot of youtubers that I like and it was so creative and nostalgic!!! ;;v;;
//of course if you dont watch yt you might not understand much about it//

alriiight ill TRY my best to post today later! since after today ill have a good 3 days until my next quiz, im going to try to do more fun stuff


um yeah

update on my drawcast and art btw, in case you careee; also, a little bit of self-confidence!: I think im in a good spot in art terms, but i am quitting my drawcast (previous @corialis / @akori) account so my style doesn't get copied n stuff. also, ewww drama on there is INSANE
buuuut im not quitting ART! ((man, i just realised how off-again on-again my art has been in the last 2 years...)

Seee youuuuuuu~!

~Kat <3
Hello Kitty! <3 <3 <3

Monday, January 04, 2016


ok, so im the only one blogging,,wow. this was a failure huh. not trying to b rude.. and uh happy new year!! im a little too late but whatever 0-0;;

gtg c ya!