Friday, October 30, 2015


E.L here in the house yo~ TMRW IS HALLOWEEN WHOOP WHOOP~!!!!!!!!
- free kandy
- awesome costumes
- Slumber prty w/ Kat and Sami (YEAY)
- Eating kandy
- Movies (YAY

So rn, its friday (yay) and i am really bummed out... (it sucks)
I have to finish a 7 pg packet plus and 8 pg packet w/ 5 projects!!!! wat is life ppls (lol) and guess wat

So, its currently 7:42 rn, and i finished the 8 pg packet, and 6.5 of the other packet, WHOOP WHOOP ALMOST DONE! Then i need to pack bag FUR THE SLEEPOVER WHOOP WHOOPP(too many whoop whoops eh? oh well~) AIIIII SO LEMME GET STARTEDDD

ok, first things first, i gotta tell u bout my boring school day...
1) sub fur math
2) sub fur science
3) had to run lap and play football w/ short sleeves ans pants brrrrr...
4) has a dbq quiz, but didnt feel good so i missed 30 min of it out of 45 from going to nurse so....only finished 2 and half questions but needs to finish on mon (W e l p halp meh)
5) Went to rec and lunch, ate a tuna salad, gave tuna part to ellyn (bc i dont eat fish from school bleh)
6) Went to spanish (Hace frio tempo?) (-Idk so leave me alone mr (welp))
7) Missed tech (sad) and went to stewpid cello lessons w/ like 8 asian kids and ms ashley is not asian welp) (yes i am asian) lol it was funny bc kids playing the violin were all boys, and girl played huge cello, so im just looking at them and thinking in my head..(YO IM MORE MANLYER THEN U)
8) Read a so called "scary" story in ela (then watched film of woman who becomes all mad bc she sees this hitchhiker everywhere she goes lol
9) END OF DAY, LETS GO I MADE IT HAPPY HALLOWEEN YA SUCKERS (nu, i would never say that irl though)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hello people of the internet! My name is Sami and i shall be posting on this blog about my life. Just so you know, my life is pretty boring but go ahead and stalk me here if ya want. Not that you wouldn't be bored to death but it's up to you. (I am questioning my grammar skills help me .a.)

So this will just be basically a daily (probably not but I have hope!) blog where we (the three girls in the title which are me, E.L., and Kat) will post daily thingies about our lives and yeah stuff like that. I think their lives are more interesting than mine we are pretty boring but WE SHALL BLOG ANYWAYS.

So uh, go on and enjoy le bloggie blog!

So imma just keep continuing down just so i can finish the rainbow!

So here is

the end



Hiiiii~ It's Kat again!
I'm tired... It's 8:00-ish, and I'm supposed to be at Newspaper Club with Sami, but nuuuu. Sami's at home being tired because it's soooo earllyyyyyyy... Mih. Whatever. Stop whining, me.
Okay, fine, me.
Cool with me, me.

I don't know. I talk to me a lot.

I don't know what I'm blogging of right nowwwww... I'm supposed to be writing a review of Minecraft 1.9 but I'm too uninspired... Welp. Have some, um... glitchy Pusheen?
~Reeeeally tired Kat...


hai~ *yawn*     This is E.L here...typing at 7:39 am...yawn...

So, as u guys probabaly (don't) know, My school bus comes at 8:00(ish.) My school day hasn't started yet, and i have this extremely boring quiz in math to take...10 questions...yeah, i know it doesnt seem much, but each question i get wring is -10 points (yeesh good luck to me~) Yesterday, I woke up  at 6:00 IN THE MORNING JUST TO GO TO ORCHESTRA WHEN THE COMPOSER WASN'T EVEN THERE I WASTED AN HOUR OF SLEEP YO!!!!!!!! *ahem ahem* back to where i was...(where was I know?) Oh yeah... um....

Since I'm so nice and ya'll, Illl kill some time and tell u about what I think of my two friends, Kat and sami. Kat is very sweet, VERY good at singing, and she likes to skip a lot. Her artistic skillz r da best, and woah, I heard she movies a lot (DONUT GO KAT I CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT CHU IN THIS SCHOOL SO DONUT  GOOOOO~) Kat also can...look up to someone, and tbh, can get annoyed when u "cling" onto her (if u dont know what I'm talking about, just ignore dat part.) In school, she draws a lot, oh wait did i say that already?!? oh well, gotta go with the flow~ Sometimes, u just dont understand wat she is talking about (well... thats just probably just me welp...) She really looks up to this old friend of mine...Ellyn. Ellyn is...uh...a girl, yes u probably know that, bc i just told chu now. She doesn't like pink and all that prissy pink princess stuff, she usually just wears the same jacket everyday. And Kathy spends time with Ellyn a lot. So this is when I c her with Ellyn-

Morning- When everyone comes to school, she usually walks to map with Ellyn, talking to her, and im usually the one that walks with myself or hephi (another friend of mine) and sami.

Hallways- On my way to drop off stuff to spanish, I usually hephi alone, and then Kathy and Ellyn, with sami with them, or she's either behind.

Lunch- Im usually one of the first ppl to get there, and save kat and sami a seat, and when Kat comes, she saves ellyn's spot.

Recess- Usually walks side-by-side next to ellyn, walking with her to wherever they want to go...i usually come with them, or not (bc they usually like to b left alone in my opinion)

End of day- IDK I DONT STALK THEM that was said about Kat (hope none of it offends chu i just writing about my life like chu said welp) I will ow talk about sami- WAIT IM GONNA MISS THE BUS ILL CONTINUE PROB RECCESS OR AFTER SCHOOL WELP C YA LATER

Hey guys, its E.L again, um, and im  in where was yeah! So...about sami..

Ok, so about Sami....
She's really smart at ELA the charts smarts! (I really jelly about that) Very good at everything~~ She says that she's not good at art, but YAS SHE IS WOAH! She is very good at listening when u have the emotional problems. Looks like she doesn't care that much, but pshhhhh nah. She LOVES THE COLOR PINKKKK!!!!!! (that's why im writing in the color welp) She likes hello kitty, and mlp (my little pony.) Nu, its not fur only little kids (hahaha) She hangs out with Kat and Ellyn a lot~ and whenever u hangout with sami its 24/7 tech time!!! (YAAAAY)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

hai again~ it's E.L

So...about today.....lemme think of some interesting stuff frum today~

So today, i am staying ninth period, sitting next to Kat and Sami~ While they are talking to each other (nu i donut think they recognize meh here hhh i sad...shh dont tell)  So im casually am typing this blog here, absolutely having nu idea on what to type, and then i suddenly hear them talking about pants? lol i dont think im supposed to hear that conversation, but I cant help overhearing them since they are sitting right next to me lol~

Now i just told sami that i was blogging lol she just raised her arms and accidentally hit Kat in the eye welp (Good thing that Kat wears glasses) ~(soz kat hope chu feel better) 

Whoops i forgot that Kat could read what i am typing WHOOPS EEEEEE librarian just asked me wat i was doing i said reading poem~ bad bad me i such a rebel~  I am so sorry but i dont know her name....oh wait sami just said that it was griemer....

Kat Here!

Ello! It's meeee, the one (and only) active admin so far! ^^ (*glares at other admins*)

So today... I basically... did school stuff. We have literally, like, 1 sheet of HW, which is GREAT!
Sami (one of the other INACTIVE admins >:oo) and I have a Social Studies test tomorrow, though. Only 11 questions, but that just puts on more pressure... Should I study? Well... eh. Screw studying.

Did I ever properly introduce myself? No? Okay.

Hi, I'm Kat. I turned 12 in June. So you can feel free to... I dunno... guess my age? (That would be weeeeeird though. Eh.)

I'm an... odd and eccentric person, according to my friends. I consider my self... unique <3 <3 <3
(Haha no, I'm just very... ah, never mind~!)

I just got hit in the face by Sami's finger. Be right back while I clean my glasses.
Okie dokie! Enough for now! I have to write about my French-dead-people project on Camille Pissarro. He had reeeeeeally cool art!

Hey guys! This is E.L here~

   This blog is gonna b about our daily, problems, life and yah..u get the point. So, where was i? oh yeah! "just 3 girls" is written by Kat, Sami, and me, E.L. (yes, u may notice that i might not have the best grammar, so just hang tight!) So... 

Stuffs about meh-

- I like food
- I like technology
- I like food
- I hate Mondays (But of course, who doesn't?!?)
- Kandy is very good~
- Very loyal to my friends~
- Loves art, but not the best so donut judge~

I am getting bored...LETS GET TO THE POINT YO~

So basically, my friends and I agreed on making a blog together... I will try to blog daily, but life has surprises whoop whoop (not)

                                                               So that's it for today ya'll~
                                                                                              E.L   (0~0)/

Monday, October 26, 2015


Hiiii~! I'm Kat!
So basically this blog is just us 3 girls who are really good friends and go to a school together and stuff. BOOM TYPING.

Okay sorry.
So basically um...
I said so basically twice already.
Okie dokie.
A human bean who really likes potatoes, roleplaying, drawing, art, Minecraft, computers, Twitter, photography, rice, and pickles.

Aaaaaand My Little Pony FiM! (Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer, mainly.)

Okie dokie~! I'll be back sometime later or tomorrow to type more about liiiife!

Currently I'm typing at lunchtime, because who cares about recess, fun, and freedom, am I right?
Welp. I'm pretty much screwed for next period. I didn't do my homework properly. Oh well. Good first impression, self~!


~Kat <3