Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Kat Here!

Ello! It's meeee, the one (and only) active admin so far! ^^ (*glares at other admins*)

So today... I basically... did school stuff. We have literally, like, 1 sheet of HW, which is GREAT!
Sami (one of the other INACTIVE admins >:oo) and I have a Social Studies test tomorrow, though. Only 11 questions, but that just puts on more pressure... Should I study? Well... eh. Screw studying.

Did I ever properly introduce myself? No? Okay.

Hi, I'm Kat. I turned 12 in June. So you can feel free to... I dunno... guess my age? (That would be weeeeeird though. Eh.)

I'm an... odd and eccentric person, according to my friends. I consider my self... unique <3 <3 <3
(Haha no, I'm just very... ah, never mind~!)

I just got hit in the face by Sami's finger. Be right back while I clean my glasses.
Okie dokie! Enough for now! I have to write about my French-dead-people project on Camille Pissarro. He had reeeeeeally cool art!


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