Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Good Afternoonies...?

Good afternoony! Happy, um, 4th of November?...! Well, for most of you.

Sami, sitting right next to me, is extremely frustrated.
We're in the school library. I just got Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus, and Sami tried to get the last Percy Jackson book (what was the name...? The Last Olympian?), but NOOOO.

She has an issue where E.L. didn't check in the last, and overdue, book. So Sami can't get it unless E.L. returns the book she borrowed from Sami.

And the worst part--Sami has to wait a day or more for her book, and since it's overdue because E.L. didn't check it out yet, she might have to pay something like 10$.

I hope nobody's too mad. I'm just blogging about my life, and my friend's very big and very important and very, very, very confusing issues. ^^ *looks in the general direction of Sami* That friend is the one I must calm down.

Well, that's my rant for now.
In other news, the librarian was actually nice to me! Sorta. Nicer than usual. And (sorta) nice to Sami, too. Whoaaaaa! Amazing! *mindblown*.

Okay, well, see you later maybe. After 6 hours of studying, I'll be super free and relieved, so I'll probably blog again soon.


~A slightly tired, furious, relieved, and anxious Kat

(By the way, guys, I think my "thing" will be posting photos/GIF's every issue! Or every now and then. Just for fun after reading so much of my rant-y junk!)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your concern about my very big and very important and very very very unfair issue it is very very very much appreciated :)
