Monday, November 30, 2015


E.L typing~

hey! sorry i havent been on for a while,,,school is hard c ri

so, ive been stalking kat and sami's "personal blog" (hah sorry if im clingy, but again everybody is i guess 0v0;;))

yay berrets and beanies translation: hats and hats!! ((lol there i go))

ok ok im getting off topic i,,,i promised myself to blog on sami's bday,,,but whoops.
i promised myself to blog on Thanksgiving,,,whoops again
i prmosied to blog SOMETIME and here i am yaaaaaaay

school is hard, the thanksgiving break was ehhhh and now its over, and its a monday, yay whoopie do da yay. so when i came to school, for every period, it says "quiz on friday," or "test on wednesday" and im just like nuuuuu u cant just give us tests like that,,,we just came back from break!!11!!11!

well, anyways the did, and now im ranting about life but u know what they say,,,u just gotta hang tight! ok ok so christmas is coming, and i have an orchestra concert, and people might wanna bring earplugs--because we sound like an elephant giving birth ((no i dont know how that sounds like but better off not talking bout it u know?))

ok so half ok ok ill b more reasonable,,,more like 3/4 of the orchestra r kinda beginners, which i totally respect, i mean like what ist cooler then playing an instrument am i right?1?1?

but srsly,,,my conductor is really stressed in my opinion, and tbh i dont really blame her,,,i would b if i were her too. so concert is in the 8 of december, and now i gotta find clothes to wear and all that bleh stuff,,,wish me luck!!!

me kinda freakingout but hey, life has its ups and downs right?


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