Tuesday, December 15, 2015


hai pppls, E.L,,,again

mmmm so i guess this blog is ded? idk bout u ((but im feeling 22~  sorry i had to XD)) but i guess no one is blogging daily lmao, it dropeed from 215 plus view to 35 w elp...
too many tests and quizes as usual, and im pretty happy?? i made it to the high honor roles whooooo!!111!! and idk how that is poosible considering that my grades were,,,meh. ive been studying hard and all, parents took away all electronics and restricted almost everything, heh changed the passwrd and all,,,and now im sad,,,and yep. interesting life huh?
so the 5 and 6 grade band and chorus preformed, and wow. they sounded better then the 7 and 8 and 6 ((idk why i put the numbers like that r ip...)) lmoa no offense. ok ok and these 2 boys were playing a duet for the concert. and i was just like thinking to myself: "argh u show offs lol" and yep. the 5 and 6 graders were really amazing, and i wish them luck on their concert this night! well gtg study, so byeee

peace out 0v0 ~ E.L

Thursday, December 10, 2015

hElLO FroM tHE OtHer SIdE~

hey,,,sigh,,,no one is blogging these days,,,and im not even the admin of the blog is that sad or what? ((no offense Kat))

so i have a lot of quizes and tests coming up and im on a hiatus ((idek wat that is but just go along with it ppls))

mmm i gotta write about life right? well i guess ill start with rec

so we apparently got "a new rule" where we have to line up in A SiNGlE fILe LIne!!11!! I MEAN CANT WE JUST WALK TO CLASS WITHOUT ASSISTANCE PPL??1? ok ok too dramatic
yeh,,but still! its really not necesary and all that stuff

so in ss, we r lwarning about no taxation without representation. so someone brought up, that 18 years and younger SHOULDNT PAY TAXES!!! and thats totally true! technically, we dont have a say in the government until we r 18 right? so yeh we shouldnt!! PROTE STING GUYS

mmmmm and we played this tag where when we get tagged we have to fake a dramatic death. sami and hephi had gone to the book fair for thr whole period of rec and kat and ellyn got mad at her i guess? well kat was cooler bout it then ellyn in my opinion. ((sorry ellyn)) and uh,,,tbh yep,,,it was unessecary i guess,,,it is sami's rec time and she did say "sure" but she was doing something else so,,,ok ok ill but out of this heh ((me and my awkward talking skillz bro lmao))

and now i have to study and no one else is bloogin so its only 1 girl today,,,hasta la vistaaaaaaaaaaaa

E.L 0v0

Thursday, December 03, 2015

mmmm hi

E.L here! wow i feel like ive been spamming this blog sorry bout that! ok, so im really thankful for my friends, and they can b the ones im mad at, but i am still really glad lmao,,,idk bout u but yeh

ok um i,,idk what to do...i know i should b studying really hard for my 2 tests tmrw but eh why not
ill just write about people and their art skillz on dc

kat- mmmm i like really adore your style??? its really awesome, and your ocs r just woahhh amazing and original. your rp style is also amazing, and so descriptive too! i really enjoy rp w u ^^ mmmmm your eye stylw is improving in everydrawing u draw tbh ((i think i used the word "amazing" too much sorry ^^;;))

sami- ur shading is improving A LoT!! i really like how you come up with the ideas for designs! mmm i also like how you try to comment on almost every drawing~ your love for books had lead to perfect rp tbh, and i really like rp w u and kat and ellyn and hephi and too many names to count lol. you really like to perfect your lines in lineart, and i really admire that! ^^

me- is it bad to say that i kinda like how i lineart? i dont want to b bragging bc that is just not rihgt. i like lineart, but somehow, i always find that ive ruined it by my coloring! mmm i try to improve rp style but i dont want it to b late comment to i just type words and yeh ^^;;. i need to improve coloring, and im pretty determined to make a new original style, and then make another acc. maybe in 2016 ((omg its almost that year ;-;)) and yep, i gtg stufy now so byeeeee

- E.L

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

*yawn* tfw everything is awkward,,,

E.L here,,,again,,,

so, i understand that percy jackson is very popular here hmmm? tbh i was pretty upsessd w it too when i first read it, but lol dont watch the movie. do. not. it ruins everything!!!11!! ANNABETH HAS BROWN HAIR WATTTT and it doesn't even show like3/4 of THE IMPORTANT PARTS UGHHHHHH and THE AUTHORR THAT MADE DA BOOK DIDIN'T EVEN WATCH THE MOVIE,,, ok ok rant rant rant bleh blehhhh

ok so im at rec doing this, kat broke her glasses, everyone stahped talkiing, and i was eatin my lunch, and idek wat is happeing? lol everyonme has their head in a book  these days w hoops save meeee ((sorry for the bad speling))

mmm wat else wat else,,,i have a quiz tmrw when i only leanred bout that topic yesterday! that no fair is it now? but life isnt fair so yep,,,

lemme think more of my very very "exciting" life yes yes

i wake up
i play cello
i eat breakfast
i go to school
i take classes
i sit at lunch doing nothing bc the food is meh
i go to recess doing nothing
more classes
yay school over
i go somewhere
i go home
i take even more classes for cello
i eat
i do my hw which takes forever
i yawn
i think about test
i study
i go to sleep


yay the joy of school huh

well im probably not really social around people i dont,,,really know i guess??? well if you know me well, u prob know that i can tenf to b shy a lot and yep i can b pretty crazy/weird cuz u know normal is boringggg

i fell in love w rp, but people these days are dead on dc ((whyyyyy)) i feel like ever since i got dc i got kinda better in the past3 months i guess,,,but still only on 288 i think)) followers,,,and kat and sami r screaming yay,,,((they r playing a game yaaaay)) and ever since i got dc, idek why but i kinda regret it??? lol its just so addicting i guess? and b4 i got it, i never knew how such young ppl R SO GOOD WITH DRAWINGGGG WATTT

and yep thats it! drawn 3 more per until this day ends,,, wish me luck!


Monday, November 30, 2015


E.L typing~

hey! sorry i havent been on for a while,,,school is hard c ri

so, ive been stalking kat and sami's "personal blog" (hah sorry if im clingy, but again everybody is i guess 0v0;;))

yay berrets and beanies translation: hats and hats!! ((lol there i go))

ok ok im getting off topic i guess...so,,,i promised myself to blog on sami's bday,,,but whoops.
i promised myself to blog on Thanksgiving,,,whoops again
i prmosied to blog SOMETIME and here i am yaaaaaaay

school is hard, the thanksgiving break was ehhhh and now its over, and its a monday, yay whoopie do da yay. so when i came to school, for every period, it says "quiz on friday," or "test on wednesday" and im just like nuuuuu u cant just give us tests like that,,,we just came back from break!!11!!11!

well, anyways the did, and now im ranting about life but u know what they say,,,u just gotta hang tight! ok ok so christmas is coming, and i have an orchestra concert, and people might wanna bring earplugs--because we sound like an elephant giving birth ((no i dont know how that sounds like but better off not talking bout it u know?))

ok so half ok ok ill b more reasonable,,,more like 3/4 of the orchestra r kinda beginners, which i totally respect, i mean like what ist cooler then playing an instrument am i right?1?1?

but srsly,,,my conductor is really stressed in my opinion, and tbh i dont really blame her,,,i would b if i were her too. so concert is in the 8 of december, and now i gotta find clothes to wear and all that bleh stuff,,,wish me luck!!!

me kinda freakingout but hey, life has its ups and downs right?


Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hiii~! It's Kat here ^^ Sorry for my huuuge span of inactivity! I have DC to deal with, that terrorist attack in Paris... Tests... Studying...

Also, #PrayForPeace! There were, like, 6 bad things that happened this Friday the 13th! (dun dun dUNNNN)

Okie dokie.
So, some, um, sorta private info! I just found out that asexual and aromantic have waaaay different meanings from what I thought. Whoops. Well, they have the switched meanings from what I thought. I'll post on my other blog (this blog link) about the, um, more "private" details, since a lot of people might feel awkward if I type more about it.

Back to G-rated topics!
Sami's birthday was the day after all those terrible attacks--Saturday, the 14th of November! It was really awesome and I got her, uh...
Oh yeah! Two MLP FiM dolls from Equestria Girls! Rainbow Dash, and Octavia! I think she liked the Octavia onebetter because Octavia is a more backgroundy character and just way more mysteriousy and, um, more like Sami than "20% cooler" Dashie!

Food is the best.
Welp, I'm going on the other blog. Bye for now! ^^


Stuff (lol I'm so creative with these names)

Hello everybody :]

So I haven't been active because
a) I was in Florida from 11/7-11/11 visiting my grandparents
b) I've been busy and
c) I was just lazy .a.

So stuff that's happened:
I visited my (86 and 89 yr old) grandparents in Florida and I turned 13 on 11/14 (woop woop!)
In other news I sat in the front seat of the car for the first time which was a lot less scary than I thought it would be.

So here I am now. You guys are pretty much updated on my borimng life now so imma go now.


P.S. I appreciate presents :]

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


hey guys, its E.L here...again...alone...in ela class...

tbh, i feel like Kat and sami rn't blogging as often anymore,,, and i like blogging, and kat told me and sami to blog often,,,but she isnt? i get that we all have a life,,,but maybe once in a while? (im not either but yeah) ((sorry, just being annoying again kat c ri))

so i have a 15 plus chapter test tmrw in ss,,,AND I FLIPPING DONUT KNOW ANYTHING (im freaking out really)

my life scedule

- my friends in highschool r saying that the ppl that had my science teacher is kinda failing/NO IDEA WHAT THEY R DOING
- *cough cough* im good, we r good, lifes good, everythings good

imma bored, now imma rp by myself ((wy do i feel like a loner now w elp lmao)

me- "ello, imma hunry, gimme a donut, and sum chipzzzzzzzz" *motions lazily to the cupboard two feet away*

bobbermcbb((made up fwiend)- *twirls mustache* "miss, it's only 2 feet away from you, it wont even take 2 minutes miss!" *says politely yet annoyed*

me- "I SAID TO GIMME FOOD,,,I SAID GIMME FOOD" *throws miny tantrum*

bbbermcbob- "uh,,," *looks at me worridly*

me- *gets up and walks two steps* "*pant pant* i want food, too lazyy"


Tuesday, November 10, 2015



ello! soz bout the caps! im so happy! (is it just me, or does the words "happy and "excited" sound so...cheesy? corny? however u put it. oh well.  as i say, "life happened...") Ok ok so...to the main point.

NO SCHHOOL TMRW YAAAAAAAAAAY (thats the good part~) bad part----

I HAVE A MAJOR SCIENCE TEST THE DAY AFTER BOOOOOOOOOOO---- what is up with teachers giving out tests these days? i mean yeah, its mandatory, BUT SRSLY RIGHT AFTER A VACATION DAY?!??

yeah yeah, i seem prty stressed...but srsly. that aint fair yo... ok ok i just fell in love with roleplaying.


Ok,,, so... *puts stern face on* hows life? good? great. idek.... so, i have a spanish project where i  have to pretend to b a weather forecast person. I HAVE A GENIUS IDEA: (heres a script)

Me; *puts fake mustache on* *extends arms to exxagerate the "feelings...* "HELLOOOOOO AMERICA... BAD MORNING! (omg lol i meant to say good but im too lz to fix that...) "TODAYS WEATHER IS CURRENTLY HACE SOL AND HACE SOLEADO (w elp they mean the same thinf but i currently sound smart SO DONT BLOW MY COVERRR)

People over there: *claps claps claps*

Me: *bows deeply down, and my mustache plops off* *puts it back on quickly...but upside down* (whoops) "IT IS CURRENTLY 49 GRADOS IN THE BEEEE-YOUUU-TIII-FWULLL MORNINGGGGGGG

People over there: *CLAP...CLAP...CLAPSSSSSSSSS*

Me: *runs off stage to eat donuts* END OF SHOW YAAAAAAAAAAAY

lol ok~ thats currently it for now! c ya my lovlies~ mwa

Friday, November 06, 2015

Cute Puppies~!

Okay, I said I would be leaving, but I'll spam you with another quick article.

I was looking through the widgets (widgets? funny word :3) and Sami came up to me as I found a "daily-puppy" widget. She wanted to add it so I clicked it, and it's soooo cute!
So we added it! It's somewhere lower down on the page.

I believe the title is something like "Puppy Overload from Kat & Sami" but I'm not sure!

I hope you guys like it~!

~Kat the Puppy Enthusiast~


It's Friday morning right now and I don't know what to dooooo~.
I just printed my school stuff so now I'm bored and just... typing...

Aaaaaah I'm sooo tiredddd...
I don't know why...

Oh. And the Blood of Olympus ends at a terrible cliffhanger. On the last. Book.

*internal scream*
Welp. So tired. So tired. Soooo tired.

How are y'all? I'm just lazily sitting here with my book in my lap and my binder to my side and nobody really paying attention to me except my friend, who's doing homework.

I'll probably post again soon, but... meh.

sparkly evil

~Kat who literally stalled for the entire article

Thursday, November 05, 2015

96 Page Views?!

I'm tired. Like, really really tired. Save meeeeeee~.

I had an argument sorta thing with my mom, sooo... expect me to not have wifi for a few days.
And right now I'm in the computer lab since I finished my personal narrative.

Welp. Gotta go.
Thanks for 96 pageviews (as of now) by the way! In one month!

~Rushed Kat




Hmm. Well. How are you guys? 'Cause I'm sorta... just... meh.
In the whole "E.L.-didn't-return-Sami's-book" argument, I've become p neutral. They seem tense.

NOTE: OPEN OPINIONS INCLUDED! (Might hurt your feelings if you're super "sensitive"-ish to opinions.)
I agree with Sami that E.L. should've returned the book first, especially since Sami told E.L. to do it.
On the other hand, I agree with E.L. that books AREN'T life--especially if it's just a book from the school library. Friends' feelings probably matter more than a book series that takes you a month to read. (Just an opinion.)
AAAAAAND I'm not really involved (well, ish) in this, but these are just my opinions, since I see E.L. and Sami are both currently writing their own articles.

That's the overall point I'm making. I'll leave them to figure it out. I think E.L. is way less annoyed / bothered by this than Sami is, but that doesn't mean anything... This is about them... since this is their sort of argument... and details... um... which is... their opinions. Okay, awkwardness... um, bye. XD

Welp. See you later~!

Pretty Kitty!



E.L here~

soz bout my "rage"... ppl r so into percy jackson these days lol... (nu, i think that is just my friendz)

i dunno wat they r talking about most of the time...(especially when they talk bout the Percy Jackson stuffs)

i care that sami cares bout her book, but no need to get angry bout it and leave responsiility in my hands~ besides, I WUZ BUSY AND I FORGOT HAS THAT NEVER HAPPEND TO U

*sees sami casually reADING WAT I WROTE lmao welp*


Ok so E.L. returned the book and now ii got "The Last Olympian" and I'm happy :)

Ok that's all for now byeee


(Sorry I got mad E.L. but I was just annoyed that you didn't listen and if you were busy you could've told me and I would have returned it myself ya know. I could have returned it at the same time i returned "Marley and Me" fro you so just putting that out there.)

Stuff that annoys me...

Hai ppls this is E.L blogging~

soz i havent blogged in a long time.. hhh so i just read my friends's blogs and...*looks at sami* books rnt life geez, i had been studying, and Sami knows that i go to the Jcc after school, and had to take multiple tests, and she cant just b mad at me for a book *hint hint one of the stuff that annoys me-U CANT MAKE CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPNED!!!!!

Sami- U can get the book at a plainview library *hint hint* Also, I cant hand in the book without going to the library, 2nd, dont leave such a "huge responsibilaty" in my hands IF THAT FRIKIN BOOK IS SO IMPORTANT TO CHU!!! *soz, im being rude lol*

So....Hows LIFEEEE *my usual question when im either bored, clueless, or  know*

ps-stuff that annoys me

-ppl (especially friends) That act like they care but don't(its pretty obvious to tell lmao)
-When ppl rant about stuff and pick "a side to choose on"
-When ppl ignore u
- ....SCHOOL

Wednesday, November 04, 2015


Ok guys so today i tried to take a book out of my school library. this is how it went:

*writes name on card and gives to librarian*
*librarian searches my name*
Librarian: "Did yo ureturn your other book?"
Me"Yeah i just returned one."
"ok is this it?"
"oh i need this other book from you, 'Tiger Lily' do you have it?"
"uh no my friend has it"
"then you can't take out that book"
*grumbles friend's name angrily*
Kat: "Didnt you tell her to return it for you then take it out?"
"oh, wow"
"ugh i am so annoyed rn"
"i just realized she asked me to return it for her yesterday but i said no so i thik she still has it"

UUUUGGGGHHHH. I want that book so bad but I have an overdue book bc my friend didn't return it like I told her to so that's great. I'm so annoyed because I specifically said to return it then take it back out and read it. But nooo she just read it and never returned it so now i might get fined if i don't return it. And I can't take out any books until she returns that one which REALLY sucks becuz BOOKS ARE LIKE MY LIFE. Ugh.

Ok rage over. Kind of not really.

Good Afternoonies...?

Good afternoony! Happy, um, 4th of November?...! Well, for most of you.

Sami, sitting right next to me, is extremely frustrated.
We're in the school library. I just got Heroes of Olympus: The Blood of Olympus, and Sami tried to get the last Percy Jackson book (what was the name...? The Last Olympian?), but NOOOO.

She has an issue where E.L. didn't check in the last, and overdue, book. So Sami can't get it unless E.L. returns the book she borrowed from Sami.

And the worst part--Sami has to wait a day or more for her book, and since it's overdue because E.L. didn't check it out yet, she might have to pay something like 10$.

I hope nobody's too mad. I'm just blogging about my life, and my friend's very big and very important and very, very, very confusing issues. ^^ *looks in the general direction of Sami* That friend is the one I must calm down.

Well, that's my rant for now.
In other news, the librarian was actually nice to me! Sorta. Nicer than usual. And (sorta) nice to Sami, too. Whoaaaaa! Amazing! *mindblown*.

Okay, well, see you later maybe. After 6 hours of studying, I'll be super free and relieved, so I'll probably blog again soon.


~A slightly tired, furious, relieved, and anxious Kat

(By the way, guys, I think my "thing" will be posting photos/GIF's every issue! Or every now and then. Just for fun after reading so much of my rant-y junk!)

Monday, November 02, 2015


...stuff happened.

I ate things.

I did work.

I am here.

The end.

Haha no. So today i woke up...not really..ish.

Well I had a sleepover with Kat and E.L. on Halloween and we got all hyped up on candy. WE WERE UP TILL 2 A.M. AND SAW WITNESSED THE CLOCK CHANGE BACK WHOOOOAAAA. Ok so we basically played Just Dance and did a roleplay on an app called Drawcast. It was fun. We trick-or-treated for all of 20 minutes and got a decent amount of candy.

So that's pretty much all I have to say so bye :)


After-Halloween and Stuffs

Halloween was sooo awesomeeee~!

(Sorry for inactivity of like 4 days... Good job on posting, E.L.! ^^)

We had this whole slumber party / sleepover thingy, with the 3 of us, and it was awesome!
In the early afternoonish, we talked about stuff, watched me struggle with my wig, and waited to trick-or-treat. After trick-or-treating (which was quicker than expected!), we watched some movies, played Just Dance, and had this awesome food that my dad made. We roleplayed a slightly dramatic romancey thingy (awkwardddd~? 030;;) and did a bit of fun Truth or Dare. I made everyone do stretches I learned in fencing, and E.L. asked us a bunch of funny, sorta embarrassing questions. It was really fun, since it was one of my first (proper) Truth or Dare experiences... at least, until Sami got all serious, and quit when E.L. asked her about her crush.

We got, like, 100 pieces of candy cavity food each, though I think E.L. and Sami ate more than I did. After the sleepover, Sami stayed for Sunday (E.L. had to go to church, sadly...) and we watched some extra movies and played Just Dance again and roleplayed a little bit about the Percy Jackson / Heroes of Olympus series, using fanmade Camp Half-Blood characters we made up (we weren't very good at roleplaying consitently!).

Then Sami left.
And then I talked to my dad about dishwasher settings.

Okay. Bye~, I have to study soon! *coughs in the general direction of Sami*

My costume! ^^ (It was more of a messy cosplay...)


Friday, October 30, 2015


E.L here in the house yo~ TMRW IS HALLOWEEN WHOOP WHOOP~!!!!!!!!
- free kandy
- awesome costumes
- Slumber prty w/ Kat and Sami (YEAY)
- Eating kandy
- Movies (YAY

So rn, its friday (yay) and i am really bummed out... (it sucks)
I have to finish a 7 pg packet plus and 8 pg packet w/ 5 projects!!!! wat is life ppls (lol) and guess wat

So, its currently 7:42 rn, and i finished the 8 pg packet, and 6.5 of the other packet, WHOOP WHOOP ALMOST DONE! Then i need to pack bag FUR THE SLEEPOVER WHOOP WHOOPP(too many whoop whoops eh? oh well~) AIIIII SO LEMME GET STARTEDDD

ok, first things first, i gotta tell u bout my boring school day...
1) sub fur math
2) sub fur science
3) had to run lap and play football w/ short sleeves ans pants brrrrr...
4) has a dbq quiz, but didnt feel good so i missed 30 min of it out of 45 from going to nurse so....only finished 2 and half questions but needs to finish on mon (W e l p halp meh)
5) Went to rec and lunch, ate a tuna salad, gave tuna part to ellyn (bc i dont eat fish from school bleh)
6) Went to spanish (Hace frio tempo?) (-Idk so leave me alone mr (welp))
7) Missed tech (sad) and went to stewpid cello lessons w/ like 8 asian kids and ms ashley is not asian welp) (yes i am asian) lol it was funny bc kids playing the violin were all boys, and girl played huge cello, so im just looking at them and thinking in my head..(YO IM MORE MANLYER THEN U)
8) Read a so called "scary" story in ela (then watched film of woman who becomes all mad bc she sees this hitchhiker everywhere she goes lol
9) END OF DAY, LETS GO I MADE IT HAPPY HALLOWEEN YA SUCKERS (nu, i would never say that irl though)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Hello people of the internet! My name is Sami and i shall be posting on this blog about my life. Just so you know, my life is pretty boring but go ahead and stalk me here if ya want. Not that you wouldn't be bored to death but it's up to you. (I am questioning my grammar skills help me .a.)

So this will just be basically a daily (probably not but I have hope!) blog where we (the three girls in the title which are me, E.L., and Kat) will post daily thingies about our lives and yeah stuff like that. I think their lives are more interesting than mine we are pretty boring but WE SHALL BLOG ANYWAYS.

So uh, go on and enjoy le bloggie blog!

So imma just keep continuing down just so i can finish the rainbow!

So here is

the end



Hiiiii~ It's Kat again!
I'm tired... It's 8:00-ish, and I'm supposed to be at Newspaper Club with Sami, but nuuuu. Sami's at home being tired because it's soooo earllyyyyyyy... Mih. Whatever. Stop whining, me.
Okay, fine, me.
Cool with me, me.

I don't know. I talk to me a lot.

I don't know what I'm blogging of right nowwwww... I'm supposed to be writing a review of Minecraft 1.9 but I'm too uninspired... Welp. Have some, um... glitchy Pusheen?
~Reeeeally tired Kat...


hai~ *yawn*     This is E.L here...typing at 7:39 am...yawn...

So, as u guys probabaly (don't) know, My school bus comes at 8:00(ish.) My school day hasn't started yet, and i have this extremely boring quiz in math to take...10 questions...yeah, i know it doesnt seem much, but each question i get wring is -10 points (yeesh good luck to me~) Yesterday, I woke up  at 6:00 IN THE MORNING JUST TO GO TO ORCHESTRA WHEN THE COMPOSER WASN'T EVEN THERE I WASTED AN HOUR OF SLEEP YO!!!!!!!! *ahem ahem* back to where i was...(where was I know?) Oh yeah... um....

Since I'm so nice and ya'll, Illl kill some time and tell u about what I think of my two friends, Kat and sami. Kat is very sweet, VERY good at singing, and she likes to skip a lot. Her artistic skillz r da best, and woah, I heard she movies a lot (DONUT GO KAT I CANNOT SURVIVE WITHOUT CHU IN THIS SCHOOL SO DONUT  GOOOOO~) Kat also can...look up to someone, and tbh, can get annoyed when u "cling" onto her (if u dont know what I'm talking about, just ignore dat part.) In school, she draws a lot, oh wait did i say that already?!? oh well, gotta go with the flow~ Sometimes, u just dont understand wat she is talking about (well... thats just probably just me welp...) She really looks up to this old friend of mine...Ellyn. Ellyn is...uh...a girl, yes u probably know that, bc i just told chu now. She doesn't like pink and all that prissy pink princess stuff, she usually just wears the same jacket everyday. And Kathy spends time with Ellyn a lot. So this is when I c her with Ellyn-

Morning- When everyone comes to school, she usually walks to map with Ellyn, talking to her, and im usually the one that walks with myself or hephi (another friend of mine) and sami.

Hallways- On my way to drop off stuff to spanish, I usually hephi alone, and then Kathy and Ellyn, with sami with them, or she's either behind.

Lunch- Im usually one of the first ppl to get there, and save kat and sami a seat, and when Kat comes, she saves ellyn's spot.

Recess- Usually walks side-by-side next to ellyn, walking with her to wherever they want to go...i usually come with them, or not (bc they usually like to b left alone in my opinion)


So...now that was said about Kat (hope none of it offends chu i just writing about my life like chu said welp) I will ow talk about sami- WAIT IM GONNA MISS THE BUS ILL CONTINUE PROB RECCESS OR AFTER SCHOOL WELP C YA LATER

Hey guys, its E.L again, um, and im  in recess...so where was I...um yeah! So...about sami..

Ok, so about Sami....
She's really smart at ELA like...off the charts smarts! (I really jelly about that) Very good at everything~~ She says that she's not good at art, but YAS SHE IS WOAH! She is very good at listening when u have the emotional problems. Looks like she doesn't care that much, but pshhhhh nah. She LOVES THE COLOR PINKKKK!!!!!! (that's why im writing in the color welp) She likes hello kitty, and mlp (my little pony.) Nu, its not fur only little kids (hahaha) She hangs out with Kat and Ellyn a lot~ and whenever u hangout with sami its 24/7 tech time!!! (YAAAAY)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

hai again~ it's E.L

So...about today.....lemme think of some interesting stuff frum today~

So today, i am staying ninth period, sitting next to Kat and Sami~ While they are talking to each other (nu i donut think they recognize meh here hhh i sad...shh dont tell)  So im casually am typing this blog here, absolutely having nu idea on what to type, and then i suddenly hear them talking about pants? lol i dont think im supposed to hear that conversation, but I cant help overhearing them since they are sitting right next to me lol~

Now i just told sami that i was blogging lol she just raised her arms and accidentally hit Kat in the eye welp (Good thing that Kat wears glasses) ~(soz kat hope chu feel better) 

Whoops i forgot that Kat could read what i am typing WHOOPS EEEEEE librarian just asked me wat i was doing i said reading poem~ bad bad me i such a rebel~  I am so sorry but i dont know her name....oh wait sami just said that it was griemer....

Kat Here!

Ello! It's meeee, the one (and only) active admin so far! ^^ (*glares at other admins*)

So today... I basically... did school stuff. We have literally, like, 1 sheet of HW, which is GREAT!
Sami (one of the other INACTIVE admins >:oo) and I have a Social Studies test tomorrow, though. Only 11 questions, but that just puts on more pressure... Should I study? Well... eh. Screw studying.

Did I ever properly introduce myself? No? Okay.

Hi, I'm Kat. I turned 12 in June. So you can feel free to... I dunno... guess my age? (That would be weeeeeird though. Eh.)

I'm an... odd and eccentric person, according to my friends. I consider my self... unique <3 <3 <3
(Haha no, I'm just very... ah, never mind~!)

I just got hit in the face by Sami's finger. Be right back while I clean my glasses.
Okie dokie! Enough for now! I have to write about my French-dead-people project on Camille Pissarro. He had reeeeeeally cool art!

Hey guys! This is E.L here~

   This blog is gonna b about our daily lifes...school, problems, life and yah..u get the point. So, where was i? oh yeah! "just 3 girls" is written by Kat, Sami, and me, E.L. (yes, u may notice that i might not have the best grammar, so just hang tight!) So... 

Stuffs about meh-

- I like food
- I like technology
- I like food
- I hate Mondays (But of course, who doesn't?!?)
- Kandy is very good~
- Very loyal to my friends~
- Loves art, but not the best so donut judge~

I am getting bored...LETS GET TO THE POINT YO~

So basically, my friends and I agreed on making a blog together... I will try to blog daily, but life has surprises whoop whoop (not)

                                                               So that's it for today ya'll~
                                                                                              E.L   (0~0)/

Monday, October 26, 2015


Hiiii~! I'm Kat!
So basically this blog is just us 3 girls who are really good friends and go to a school together and stuff. BOOM TYPING.

Okay sorry.
So basically um...
I said so basically twice already.
Okie dokie.
A human bean who really likes potatoes, roleplaying, drawing, art, Minecraft, computers, Twitter, photography, rice, and pickles.

Aaaaaand My Little Pony FiM! (Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer, mainly.)

Okie dokie~! I'll be back sometime later or tomorrow to type more about liiiife!

Currently I'm typing at lunchtime, because who cares about recess, fun, and freedom, am I right?
Welp. I'm pretty much screwed for next period. I didn't do my homework properly. Oh well. Good first impression, self~!


~Kat <3